Everyone's welcome

All In for the Sector

Explore Sector Resources

At All In, it’s our mission to help creative and cultural organisations improve access, welcome new visitors and increase overall attendance.

Our scheme is being developed by disabled people for disabled people and funded by the arts development agencies of the UK and Ireland.

All In will roll out in late 2025 and will be available to creative and cultural organisation including theatres, museums, galleries, cinemas, festivals, and libraries.

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By subscribing to All In, your organisation will be able to:

Follow the UK and Ireland’s first accessibility standards for the creative and cultural sector

Standards will improve the consistency and quality of accessibility for disabled people. Developed by disability-led charity, Attitude is Everything, the All In standards will cover four key areas of accessibility: built environment, digital communication, customer service, and commissions, events, and programming.

Benefit from support and skills development to meet accessibility standards

After a self-audit, you’ll be able to assess to your current access provisions and plan how you want to make improvements. We’ll offer guidance and resources to help you understand the All In accessibility standards and give your organisation the confidence to make positive changes.

Use innovative technology to securely receive access requirements

Our digital tools will make it easier for disabled people to find and book tickets that can meet their access needs. By securely sharing their access requirements through All In, we can reduce the need for phone calls and emails, allowing your staff to use their time more efficiently.

Connect with accessibility experts across the UK and Ireland

Use our support directory to find freelancers, consultants, and organisations who can help you make improvements in accessibility.

Analyse your audience data

Gain a better understanding of your visitor’s access needs through insight and data. Track analytics to help tailor your marketing and comms approach to reach more disabled people.

Our pilot is currently underway and will last until summer 2025. We know it’s important to test, analyse and respond to our findings, to make sure we’re designing a scheme that will benefit everyone.

Download an Easy Read version of ‘All In for the Sector’ page.
Download an Easy Read guide to the ‘All In for the Sector’ video.

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