Springboard Creative Arts
Springboard creative arts provides specialist, one-to-one and group music tuition, and music making opportunities for those who identify as disabled or Neurodivergent. We also run disability equality and visual impairment awareness and inclusion training, which can be tailored to specific settings for example, our bespoke training which includes visual impairment awareness training for artists. We also provide accessibility consultancy, project design consultancy, accessible design mentoring, and usability testing.
Support Type
- Bunait Eòlais
- Co-chomhairle
- Coidseadh
- Comhairleachadh
- Deuchainn Cleachdaidh
- Sgrùdadh Ruigsinneachd
- Trèanadh
Artforms supported
- Ceàird
- Ceòl
- Dannsa
- Ealain Cleasachd
- Ealain Measgaichte
- Ealainean Lèirsinneach
- Fèisean
- Fiolm/Sgrìn
- Leabharlannan
- Litreachas
- Taighean-tasgaidh
- Tèatar
Operates in
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