Deaf & hearing Trailblazers CIC
Deaf & hearing Trailblazers is the UK’s only dedicated training company bringing deaf and hearing people together to provide personal and professional development training.
We also provide bespoke consultancy support to help you evaluate, assess, and implement effective inclusive practices within your organisation.
Support Type
- Beurla le Taic Shoidhnidh
- Bunait Eòlais
- Cànan-soidhnidh Bhreatainn (BSL)
- Co-chomhairle
- Coidseadh
- Comhairleachadh
- Deuchainn Cleachdaidh
- Fo-thiotailean
- Trèanadh
Artforms supported
- Ceàird
- Ealain Measgaichte
- Ealainean Lèirsinneach
- Fèisean
- Fiolm/Sgrìn
- Leabharlannan
- Litreachas
- Taighean-tasgaidh
- Tèatar
Operates in
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